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Email Marketing on Valentine’s Day

It always seems like, as soon as Christmas decorations come down, the cities are magically flooded with red and pink hearts. And yes it's that time of the year again “Valentine's day” is just around the corner and your email marketing campaign better be ready before it's too late.

At this time of year your customers are trying to figure out what gifts to buy and how to celebrate this beautiful day, especially this year marked by the uncertainty imposed by the pandemic.

Valentine's day is the perfect time to use email to strengthen your relationship with your customers and contacts and let them know you have what they are looking for.

Send a first email campaign before Valentine's day, for the reason that people will appreciate the reminder that they need to start shopping as soon as possible.

You can also find the perfect email subject lines with A/B testing. A/B testing emails is a must for marketers, for the reason that you can run tests to find the perfect valentines day templates to make sure you are putting your most eye-catching email design out there for all your customers and contacts to see.

Subject lines, are something you should always be testing, especially on big days, where all the people around the world are looking for “the perfect and most beautiful gift”

Another form of email that is really important especially on a big day like this is “The reminder email”, this email reminds customers that there is limited time left to buy a gift and also provides individuals with some last minute gift ideas.

Don't forget, not all people nowadays are in a relationship. We don't want them to feel left out, do we? So that is the reason why we should send out an email campaign encouraging people to indulge and get something for themselves.

Do not forget these tips:

  • Show your love with a Valentine’s Day email

  • Don't forget those who are not in a relationship

  • Send an email campaign before Valentine’s Day

Valentine's day is not just for lovers and couples, it is also the perfect time and chance for you to show your customers how much you love them! Send your customers an email that will make them feel special and valued.

Don't miss your chance to form a love connection with your customers and contacts this Valentine’s day, send an email on Valentine’s day.

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