You can’t quite argue against the fact that modern digital marketing has become more complicated than before. In an age where there are more ways to engage your audience and for your customers to find you, it can feel like a daunting task to keep up with everything. But we’re here to help!
On one hand, we have the task of delivering customised consumer experiences. On the other, we need to be mindful of limiting the collection of customers’ data while ensuring that we don’t mishandle nor exploit the information they give us.
As digital marketing professionals have predicted, your task doesn’t just involve creating crisp, insight-driven, creative campaigns anymore. It also means that you’ll have to put in place specific measures that regulate the gathering, use and storing of your customers’ data. And if you think about it, this is a good thing for everyone!
In 2019, CDPs were a game changer for marketers to manage their customers and harness their data. In 2022, this is going to get even more difficult, but CDPs are more than up for the challenge.
Customer data platforms (CDPs) have been around for a few years, but only recently have they taken off with marketers. In fact, research Firm Gartner predicts that CDP use will grow from 2% of customer data integration projects in 2018 to 34% by 2022. Many CDPs have been built from scratch over the past few years, and new ad formats have allowed marketers to create more targeted ads—so there’s never been a better time for CDPs to step in and help marketers take advantage of these opportunities.
Data privacy is a huge deal in the digital age. It’s important to protect others’ data, especially if you’re acquiring it from third parties – but what is data privacy and why is it such a big deal?
Data privacy protects your personal information from being used, seen or sold without your consent. Should you acquire someone’s social security number, address, credit card number and other personally identifiable information, it is important to take measures to ensure that these are not made public and that any access to them is regulated.
Protection of privacy is the prevention of unauthorized access to systems, information and user data. Policies, processes and safeguards are the tools that enable data protection.
Data privacy and its safeguarding entails the crafting of policies and processes that ensure several things. First, that only people with a legitimate need to know will be able access the data. Secondly, it means those who handle and store the data adhere to strict security standards. Thirdly, employees are trained on how to properly handle sensitive information. Lastly, if an employee does not follow established procedures or violates protocol or gives away any confidential information deliberately or unknowingly, there are consequences for their actions.
Why it’s important to protect customer data privacy
Protecting customer data privacy is a top priority for us. Here’s why it’s important to keep your information private: privacy protects individuals' sensitive personal information, like medical history and financial records; privacy prevents unauthorised access by hackers and other cybercriminals; and privacy is fundamental for consumer trust in digital products.
What is the best way for you to protect customer data privacy
Whether you are a big company or a small one, protecting your customer data privacy should be your number one priority.
We have listed some of the best ways for you to do that:
Instruct yourself about administering regulations.
Permit them to pick in or out of information assortment.
Practice straightforwardness generally.
Fortify your site's protections against information hacks.
Advocate for client information security assurance.
Our daily lives are becoming more and more data-driven as we connect a growing number of devices and sensors to the Internet. Stay safe.
