Social media’s power is increasing through the following years, and it's becoming a part of our lives.
The top tier social media for the moment is Instagram, which is definitely one of the simplest and most enjoyable of sharing and marketing your business.
It is a remarkable tool, which is not only used for business purposes, but also for personal reasons.
This outstanding tool is working on 3 cool and new features that might help with your business.
Private lives
Quick FAQ
3 Guests in Live streams
Private Lives
Private lives is a simple feature in which ordinary people talk about themselves and how they experience their everyday lives.
Instagram is working on the opposition to make your IG live sessions for a specific audience only, where you can still invite only the individuals you want to join your live
Quick FAQ
What is a FAQ?
An FAQ or Frequently Asked Questions is a list of questions and answers relating to a particular subject.An FAQ is often used in articles and websites.
Instagram is testing a new FAQ option for business accounts to help brands provide quick response to frequently asked questions.
3 Guests in Live Stream
A feature that launched in August and is now used by 100 million people worldwide everyday.
Instagram live lets you broadcast video to your followers in a real time as part of you Instagram Stories and it's now allowing some users to add up to 3 guests into their live stream
These features are currently in testing so we’re likely to be getting them soon!